Leap 2 - Creativity



In complete honesty, I put this project on the back burner for a decent amount of time. Adjusting to remote classes was a little bit difficult, and I prioritized other assignments because I knew I had time to work on this one. Before I knew it, the due date was a little over a week away and I knew I needed to put this project first. I had two other major assignments due on the 10th so I needed to get my time management together.

Luckily, my partner for this project was Sophie. We knew from the beginning we wanted to work together on this assignment. She is a very smart girl and is one of my friends outside of this class. We have worked well together in the past, so I knew this project would be no different.

Working with a partner is difficult in general. You have to juggle different personalities, work ethics and schedules. All of the chaos going on in the outside world definitely added another level of difficulty also. If we were at school, we probably could have met and worked on this in person. But, we had to work together and complete this remotely. We were both very understanding when it came to different schedules, assignments and other commitments other than this project. Through texts and google docs we were able to create a script and video together that we are both proud of.

We were both very easy going and cooperative when deciding on a topic for this project. I found the topic of creativity very interesting and relatable. The thought that anyone can be creative and creativity can come from anywhere really resonated with me. I feel that this is the most interesting and beneficial topic we have learned about in this course. The information I learned in this section opened my mindset up and changed how I think about “creative people.” We thought that others would be able to relate to this as well so we thought this would be a perfect topic for our video. We wanted to make sure to include the key tips from our textbook, while elaborating with our own thoughts and ideas.

We used the suggested platform, animaker, to create our video. After using this website for only a few minutes I struggled. I was not a fan of it. We both agreed that it was very complicated to use for no reason. I get frustrated very easily when it comes to technology and I am not good at learning how to use different platforms. Sophie was able to pick up the ways of the website easily so she worked on putting the video together. Adding the voice over was one of the easier features, once we got the hang of it. From writing the script, to recording the final touches we were able to collaborate and divide up the work.

Now that the project is over, I can confidently say I completed many skills. I gained a deeper understanding on what it means to be creative. I effectively worked in a team. I learned how to use a new online platform and I learned how to prioritize/time manage. I hope everyone likes our video as much as we do!