Reframing the Epidemic

I've embedded the video below but it seems to not work that way — I think perhaps I can't embed it because it's unlisted.

It seems to work fine from a direct link.

I don't want the video shared more publicly on Twitter, etc. because it includes a lot of text and photos from my daughter and I assured her only people in my class would see this!

Reflection on Leap 2

I have realized in a deeper way over the past weeks that

I’m a little more used to being able to crank out a paper and know how long it would take, but these projects involve many more unknowns. I didn’t know going into this what the shape of my project would be (unlike, say, a 10-page paper with a bibliography).

Barb suggested that I do something related to my daughter Meredith being in Europe and having to help her get home and that I show our different perspectives on the process. I also spent some time talking to Suzanne, who was in an almost identical situation, and we briefly considered collaborating. Talking it out with her was helpful even though we ended up working on individual projects.

I went back through my chat transcripts and downloaded them and reflected on how I was obsessively checking the stats on coronavirus cases in Europe and reading the New York Times and a dutch website, so I decided to integrate my personal messages with my daughter and some pictures she’d sent me with the backdrop of the news and stats on the movement of the coronavirus. It took some time to gather the pieces together and organize them by naming the files with the dates in order to sort them.