Working Title- Fair Use Reasoning With Master David

Executive Summary-

Fair Use Reasoning is a video intended for a high school/ college media literacy unit developed to engage students in the creating to learn process. The unit will empower students with a greater understanding of the fair use doctrine and its impact on creativity. Students will embrace the elements in culture that combine to develop each individual's unique identity.

Creative Brief-

What is the problem or opportunity?

Students just have a narrow understanding of the fair use doctrine and its effect on creativity. Furthermore, this video will provide opportunity for students to engage in the fair use reasoning process.

Who is it really for? And why should they care?

This curriculum is for secondary classrooms so that they can engage in critical analysis of popular culture, fair use determination, and explore individual identity while connecting to learning objectives.

What needs to be done? By whom? By when?

Where and how will it be used? Who will become engaged with it directly and indirectly?

Secondary students/ in ELA and media production classes can use this to explore identity and fair use reasoning. Furthermore, broader audiences can learn about fair use and creativity through video elements.

How will it be remembered?

Project Objectives/ Treatment:

As a secondary English teacher building curriculum for my Digital Composition program, I am in constant search for applicable lessons and units. One aspect of digital literacy that I hope to improve upon is my pedagogy related to copyright law. I’ve noticed that many lessons in copyright have different perspectives, and often underplay the importance of the fair use doctrine. This unit intends to address this need within a secondary high school ELA curriculum to target a teenage audience interested in becoming responsible content consumers and creators. Through their experience in this unit, I hope students will first and foremost understand how creativity evolves through the copying, combining, and transforming of previous work. Students will thoughtfully make decisions about fair use of others’ creative work so they could implement this in their own multimedia productions.

Deliverables/ Timetable: